Markel Products from SageSure
New Customers
How do I get insurance with Markel?
If you live in a location where SageSure offers insurance with Markel (see above), contact a local agent and ask for Markel homeowners insurance through SageSure.
Existing Customers
What do I do if I have a claim?
Report a claim 24/7 online at or by calling (866)-311-7243.
How do I make a payment?
Access your policy and make fast, secure payments online anytime at
To pay by check, please send your payment to:
SageSure Insurance Managers, LLC
PO Box 896671
Charlotte, NC 28289-6671
Your insurance agent can also accept your payment in person or over the phone.
How can I make a policy change?
Your agent (listed on your policy declarations page) is your best resource for policy changes or any questions you may have. If you need further assistance, contact SageSure Customer Care at (800) 481-0337.
1 This product is offered by the insurer on a non-admitted basis. Coverage may only be obtained through a duly licensed surplus lines broker such as SageSure. Any descriptions herein are meant as summaries only, and may not include all terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy described.