Territory Sales Managers

Territory Sales Managers

SageSure territory sales managers are standing by to help you find the right products for your customers’ needs. We place high value on our producer relationships and strive to make it easy for you to quote our products. Our experienced territory sales representatives would love the opportunity to speak with you about your business and how a partnership with SageSure would benefit your agency. We hope to hear from you soon.

Alabama – Stephanie Powell

(251) 424-5295 Stephanie.Powell@sagesure.com

Alaska – Misty Davis

(512) 541-0427 Misty.Davis@SageSure.com

California – Michael Richards


Connecticut – Molly Greig

(908) 328-2604 Molly.Greig@SageSure.com

Florida (Counties West of Jefferson) – Stephanie Powell

(251) 424-5295 Stephanie.Powell@sagesure.com

Florida (Jefferson County and East) – Chris Clark

(850) 509-1306 Chris.Clark@SageSure.com

Louisiana – Leeann Manalla

(504) 234-3996 Leeann.Manalla@SageSure.com

Massachusetts – Molly Greig

(908) 328-2604 Molly.Greig@SageSure.com

Mississippi – Stephanie Powell

(251) 424-5295 Stephanie.Powell@sagesure.com

New Jersey – Molly Greig

(908) 328-2604 Molly.Greig@SageSure.com

New York – Dennis D’Amico

(516) 272-2060 Dennis.Damico@SageSure.com

New York – Noah Cohen

(646) 626-4371 Noah.Cohen@sagesure.com

North Carolina – Gary Cason

(757) 508-8707 Gary.Cason@SageSure.com

South Carolina – Susan Miley

(843) 258-3986 Susan.Miley@SageSure.com

North and South Texas – Diane McMayon

(713) 823-8605 Diane.McMayon@SageSure.com

Texas (I-35 Corridor/Valley) – Diane McMayon

(713) 823-8605 Diane.McMayon@SageSure.com

East and West Texas – Jessica Lyle

(832) 317-9691 Jessica.Lyle@sagesure.com

Virginia – Sam Kaiser

(804) 239-8121 Samuel.Kaiser@SageSure.com