Art Greitzer

Insurance Nerd Day Nerd Alert: Meet Our Senior Vice President of Underwriting

In honor of Insurance Nerd Day, we are excited to showcase one of our exceptional underwriters, Art Greitzer, Senior Vice President of Underwriting at SageSure. As a proud member of our team of “insurance nerds,” Art exemplifies the passion and dedication that drive our industry forward amidst historic changes. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Art was one of our very first underwriters. From zero policies to over 600,000, delve into Art’s journey and underwriting insights as we celebrate the invaluable contributions of our fellow insurance nerds.  

What initially drew you to a career in insurance?  

An ad in the weekly “Help Wanted” section—that’s how I ended up with a 40-plus year career in insurance. I graduated with a degree in psychology and was driving a forklift in a warehouse because there were no jobs. Back then, there was no LinkedIn, and no Facebook page, so if you were job hunting, you went to the Sunday newspaper. I found one that said: “Insurance Company Looking for College Graduates,” and thought, well, I have that qualification, so I went to interview for a job. At the end of the interview, I received a little blue envelope, which, back then indicated I had moved to the next round and needed a physical. I passed and was hired as a personal lines underwriter trainee. It’s an interesting beginning to my insurance career. I never left. I guess you could say I’m an insurance nerd. 

Tell me about your background and experience as an underwriter? 

A year after being hired as a personal lines trainee, I moved to the commercial lines department where I gained even more experience. Then a friend from another company called and offered me a position in their commercial lines division. Over 29 years, I went from commercial lines to the large property unit before being offered a position as a commercial underwriting manager, which I accepted. I moved my wife and two kids across the country for five years to Louisiana. I eventually returned to the home office in Connecticut as the director of underwriting and pricing for the auto division. I was asked to move to Pennsylvania to be the underwriting manager. My last promotion in the field was as director of underwriting before the office I worked out of was closed. That’s when I began my tenure with SageSure. 

What do you find most rewarding about working in the insurance industry?

I spent 29 years with my previous employer, but the last 15 at SageSure have been the most rewarding. The industry has changed so much in the last decade, including how the reinsurance market operates, portfolio management, and risk modeling—it’s totally different than anything I had been doing before. At SageSure, we’ve navigated it all and experienced incredible growth. It’s been remarkable to be a part of something like this. 

What is a common misconception people have about the insurance industry? 

People think that insurance companies don’t care about their policyholders. They think it’s just about the bottom line and how much money a company can make, but it’s completely opposite of what we’re here for—especially underwriters. Every day, we evaluate risks to ensure that when a policyholder needs us most, they have the right coverage to restore their loss. 

What are some of the biggest challenges currently facing the insurance industry?

The number of insurance companies becoming insolvent, especially near the coast, is a significant concern for the industry. As an insurance provider specializing in products for challenging markets, it puts us in an unusual position. When others pull out of coastal markets, it leaves a lot of business that needs to be placed. It’s easy to assume that fewer companies providing products near the coast create more opportunities, but it’s not that simple. There are reinsurance limitations and Department of Insurance (DOI) requirements, so we must carefully assess the markets and our capacity before determining where we can close gaps.  

What skills do you believe are most important for success in the insurance industry?

Curiosity and focus are vital skills to succeed as an underwriter in the industry. You must be curious— willing to turn over every rock and ask hard questions. Not every data point or piece of information is accurate. We do a lot of cross-referencing and checking to be sure the information we are provided makes sense. A natural sense of curiosity makes aspects of the job seem second nature. And maintaining our underwriting diligence requires focus. Focus ensures accurate risk assessments, meticulous attention to detail, and regulatory compliance and aids in efficient decision-making, identifying and mitigating risks, and maintaining strong customer relations. 

How do you balance risk assessment with customer satisfaction in your role?

One of our primary customers is our producer partners. Listening to their needs and wants is a primary way we create new, better products that meet our joint policyholder needs and allow us to remain a stable partner who provides reliable solutions. Our National Producer Council brings producers together twice annually for collaborative sessions to discuss industry trends, market dynamics, and growth opportunities. These are our most trusted producers, and their insights play a crucial role in fostering innovation and are instrumental in guiding SageSure’s strategic direction. 

Can you discuss any advancements or innovations in underwriting technology or methodologies that you find particularly exciting?

Like many in the industry, we’re leveraging AI to improve our approach to risk management. Using machine learning to assess historical actions enables us to prioritize and predict actions for particular risks. Using technology allows us to refine our practices and become a better partner for both our carriers and our producer partners. Underwriting efficiencies provide us with more time to provide better customer service. 

Why can producers have confidence in SageSure’s underwriting practices? How do they know their clients are well protected and will remain satisfied given our underwriting approach? What are we doing that other underwriters aren’t?

We pride ourselves on actively listening to our producers, who consistently tell us how much this matters. Their valuable feedback helps us understand market needs and appetite. By paying attention to their insights and suggestions, we develop products that empower our producers to write and retain business. Meeting their needs ultimately helps them succeed with their policyholders and prevents them from seeking solutions elsewhere. 

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in insurance? 

The insurance industry provides a lot of growth opportunities, especially at SageSure. With opportunities to move up from underwriter to senior underwriter, to lead technical underwriter to supervisor, and beyond. There is a career path in insurance if you want it. If you show initiative, there isn’t anything holding you back, but you’ve got to want it. At SageSure, we give people opportunities to show off and put them in positions so leadership knows who they are—and we always have their back. 

What excites you most about what’s happening at SageSure?

Right now at SageSure, we’re taking on initiatives to provide better efficiency in the underwriting department. With better workflows and more efficient systems and software, our underwriters can do more underwriting and provide better customer service and leave the paper shuffling that can often take up so much of our time to the machines. It is an exciting time to be an underwriter at SageSure; we’re not only leading a market response to products for catastrophe-prone areas, but we are also elevating the systems used so we can continue to respond to the increasing demand along the coast.   

What is a personal achievement in your career that you are most proud of? 

When I came here, we had zero business. None. And at the end of this year, we anticipate managing $2.1 billion in premium. I was here when we wrote our first policy, and today, we’re managing over 600,000 policies. Every day is different and brings new challenges. It keeps me on my toes and forces me to continually learn, even at my age.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working? Any hobbies or interests you pursue?  

My wife of 49 years, Megan and I enjoy traveling—including trips to visit our two children and five grandchildren. We like to take local bus trips to see iconic and hidden gems in the US, including a geriatric equestrian farm. We’ve gone to places like the Biltmore in North Carolina and Hudson Valley, New York. Our next trip is to Sleepy Hollow, New York this fall.  

We also enjoy gardening together, or rather, I dig up things and move them where they are supposed to go, but when you’re finished and it looks good, you feel a sense of accomplishment.  

Learn more about a few of our other Insurance Nerds.  

Sandy Belcourt 

Doug Brekke 

Cat Reese